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Medical Purification Project Construction Control

  • 2024-01-04
  • View 11

Medical purification project construction control aspect article abstract: construction personnel must have a comprehensive understanding of the medical purification project clean room construction specifications, construction techniques, construction quality. In medical purification project construction strictly in accordance with the drawings to ensure the quality of the clean room process control, in order to ensure the quality of the purification project from the perspective of comprehensive quality control.

Medical Purification Project Construction Control

1、Choose the professionally trained construction team

Purification project construction involves decoration, HVAC, electrical and medical gas and other professional, construction personnel must have a comprehensive understanding of the medical purification project clean room construction specifications, construction techniques, construction quality, otherwise, the quality of medical purification project construction is difficult to be guaranteed.

2, clean room sealing control focus

Medical purification engineering clean room sealing control focus on the enclosure structure sealing construction quality, such as plate and plate should be evenly coated with sealant, to achieve tight not leak; clean room embedded wall instrument cabinet and the wall, the wall plate installed on the socket, switch, smoke detector, lighting box and medical lights, film viewing lights, etc. need to be sealed with sealant, and instrument cabinet in a variety of pipes and boxes Between all must also adopt reliable and effective sealing measures.

3、Send and return air duct quality control

The sealing of the air supply and return system ducts is to prevent the unclean air from entering the ducts and to prevent the contaminated air from penetrating out, so as to meet the cleanliness of the clean room and extend the use of high-efficiency filters. The construction of medical purification project should focus on controlling the quality of duct processing, duct construction and equipment installation.

The duct processing should focus on the cleanliness of the duct equipment and the sealing measures in the process of duct processing. The duct processing should be made of high-quality galvanized steel plate to meet the requirements of flatness, smoothness, sturdiness and erosion resistance; the anechoic material filled inside the muffler should not produce dust, not drop slag (fiber), not absorb moisture and not be polluted, and no loose material should be used, and the fiber material should be felt type material, covered with a package that can prevent fiber penetration. Foam and centrifugal glass wool should not be used. Duct production before the use of neutral detergent to remove oil, the production process to prevent scratches, the end of production with white silk cloth wipe the inner surface should be free of any oil, ash stains for cleaning qualified. Duct section processing cleaning qualified with plastic film to protect the ends of the duct and then transported to the site installation, all duct fittings and equipment must be wiped clean before installation, otherwise not installed.

Duct connection and equipment installation process should pay attention to do a good job of sealing measures to avoid secondary pollution, because the hose, soft joints have the problem of stagnant dust, so purification duct and motorized equipment connection available soft joints, but should not be used in the duct.

Medical purification project control secondary microbial contamination is more meaningful than secondary contamination, but also more easily ignored. The secondary microbial pollution is contained in the secondary dust pollution, mainly in the air conditioning treatment device. The bacteria and dust particles accumulated in the air conditioning treatment device during operation, the high temperature and high humidity environment and the nutrition provided by the dust particles provide the most favorable conditions for microbial reproduction during shutdown. The newly multiplied microorganisms and their release of harmful odorous gases and a large amount of harmful metabolites, corpses and debris, a large part of which cannot be blocked by the high efficiency filter, thus constitute secondary microbial contamination.

The facts tell us that soft joints are also an important source of secondary microbial contamination. This is because soft joints are usually not insulated, where condensation occurs. For medical purification project clean room, even a small amount of soft joints must take measures of double-layer or insulated soft joints.

Finally, all joints of combined air conditioning units should be sealed, and water seals should be set on the condensation water drainage pipe of the table cooler to ensure that the air conditioner is airtight and does not leak.

In the medical purification project construction in strict accordance with the drawings to ensure the quality of the clean room process control, in order to ensure the quality of the purification project from the perspective of comprehensive quality control

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