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Advancements in Cleanroom Technology

  • 2024-01-04
  • View 13

Cleanrooms are most commonly associated with scientific laboratories, but they’re used in a wide range of applications. In fact, cleanroom technologies are often utilized in manufacturing and computer server production to help support a sterile environment.

The air around us is filled with microbes, organisms, dust, pollen, and other particles that can contaminate the environment and people. Introducing foreign objects into specialized environments can damage equipment, skew data, and even risk lives.

Advancements in Cleanroom Technology

Utilizing advancements in airflow, monitoring, filtration, and other technologies, modern cleanrooms are becoming much more advanced, easily achieving ISO standards and reducing potential damage caused by nanoparticles and microorganisms.

Advancements in Cleanroom Technology

Several technologies are combined to maintain the integrity of a cleanroom: HVAC, HEPA filters, air showers and diffusers, disinfectants, protective clothing, wipes, wall construction and specialized equipment are all necessary to continuously maintain a cleanroom.

Recent advancements in cleanroom technology include:

1. The Internet of Things

LoT technology is being implemented to allow for remote monitoring, predictive analysis, and other innovative features throughout cleanrooms in every sector.

Automated data collection and analysis is made possible through connected sensors that connect wirelessly to a centralized network. This allows for continuous remote decision-making while robotic technology handles any of the manual tasks previously only done by people.

By reducing human intervention as much as possible, contamination threats and human errors are reduced which ultimately optimizes the entire process. In addition, spherical video and AR/VR technology opens the door to entirely new scenarios. Imagine medical students watching a live surgery from the classroom through an Oculus Rift headset.

Using IoT technology, organizations can monitor and control compliance in multiple locations using global regulatory standards. Air quality, temperature, and the presence of foreign objects can all be detected remotely, minimizing efforts to maximize results.

2. Nanoparticle Filtering

Air flow is an essential component of a functioning modern cleanroom. By forcing air through a series of filtration systems, cleanrooms are kept much safer from airborne contamination versus that of a natural environment.

Even in industrial and manufacturing settings, toxic industrial compounds are often introduced into the air and must be eliminated. HEPA filters are commonly used today, but Exceed Filters and others are already seeking new materials with more integrated nanostructures to absorb these toxic compounds.

Cleanrooms aren’t 100 percent efficient and take time to remove contaminants that may be present.

With nanoparticle filtering, this process becomes much faster and more efficient and the time it takes to decontaminate an area is greatly reduced. In addition, the new generation of nanoparticle filters combined with current HEPA and other filtration technologies will make tomorrow’s cleanrooms much cleaner than current technology allows today.

3. Biohazard Suits

The U.S. Department of Defense recently launched a $250,000 challenge to invent the next generation of protective gear. Although advancements in textile technology already keep us safe from fires, sparks, chemical spills, and germs than previous generations, we’re still pushing forward.

With such a large prize up for grabs, it’s only a matter of time before the protective clothing used today is made obsolete by lighter, more durable clothing with better designs to provide longer-lasting protection. Companies like DuPont already have synthetic textiles and designs that can protect workers in a wide range of environments. It’s only getting better.

From NASA to universities and hospitals around the world, this means a cleaner working environment where bodily fluids, dangerous chemicals, flames, viruses, and more threaten the health of those protecting and rescuing us. Tomorrow’s fabrics will last longer and need to be replaced less often, creating a better ROI for everyone involved.

Upgraded gear being worn by personnel needing to access cleanrooms less often will lead to overall increases across the board in cleanroom functionality. Of course, for this to happen, you’ll need to know where to find the best cleanroom technology.

Building the Best Cleanroom

At Kwang Cleanroom, we provide the best quality equipment for the lowest prices possible. We only work with reputable manufacturers to provide certified equipment sure to meet any cleanroom standards.

Regulatory compliance is important because it sets the bar for how safe conditions need to be, but we’re always seeking out those who raise the bars for the safety of everyone involved. Cleanroom technology is at the pinnacle of sterile work environments, and quality can make the difference between life and death.

What type of cleanroom equipment you need is entirely dependent on the type of cleanroom you’re building. For some systems, only air filtration is necessary while others require integration with security systems and climate control. Some cleanrooms need bacteria and other micro-organisms to be contained, while others are looking to manage flammable dust and other materials.

Every cleanroom is different, which means there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Medical, manufacturing, scientific, government, emergency response, and other industries all require cleanroom materials equipment, and resources. But as the situations differ, the need to maintain a real-time, working knowledge of all geographic and industry-specific regulations becomes more apparent.

Partnering with suppliers and contractors for the construction of a proper cleanroom ensures that all applicable regulations are followed which helps keep workers safe. If you have any questions, contact one of our specialists today to learn how we can supply your cleanroom needs.

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