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Cleanroom Simple Professional Terminology Science

  • 2024-02-01
  • View 15

Many people who are new to the purification industry may not know much about cleanroom terminology, so today we will briefly introduce a few cleanroom terminology.


an enclosed area in which airborne particles(contamination) are limited, controlled and/or eliminated within that space. The ability of these particles to contaminate or cause a problem is in direct proportion to the size of the particles. A cleanroom is a room in which the concentration of airborne particles is controlled, and which is constructed and used in a manner to minimize the introduction, generation and retention of particles inside the room, and in which other relevant parameters, ie. temperature, humidity and pressure are controlled as necessary. 


a building, cell, room or other enclosed area in which the air supply, exhaust, personnel practices and housekeeping maintenance are controlled. 


Any material substance or energy that is unwanted or adversely affects the product.

Cleanroom Simple Professional Terminology Science

Common Contaminants found in Controlled Environments and Cleanrooms

• Particles Solid (dust), Liquid 

• Bio Contamination Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Etc. 

• Electrical Charge 

Particle size is measured in microns (25,400 equals 1”). A particle of this size becomes a source of contamination when it is allowed in a place or situation where it can damage the end product. The function of the cleanroom is to limit, as much as possible, the number of particles within the critical area. 

The cleanroom deals with contamination in three (3) basic ways: 

1. Preventing the entry of particulate contamination by filtration of the air entering the room. 

2. Changing the air within the room with a frequency dependent on the classification of the room. These air changes purge the air of particulate generated within the room by personnel and procedure. 

3. Providing an area and a specified procedure for cleaning of personnel, parts and equipment prior to their introduction into the room.


High Efficiency Particulate Air HEPA Filters are used to remove 99.9% of particles as small as .3 microns.

Laminar Flow – Laminar Flow is unidirectional airflow. In a cleanroom, it is filtered air flowing vertically or horizontally with uniform velocity in a single direction. Filtered air flows through your cleanroom and back to an air return, to be re-filtered and returned to the room. Laminar flow is a major part of keeping your cleanroom contaminant free.


An air shower is a hallway or room leading to the entrance of a cleanroom. In an air shower, high velocity air blows off particles that could contaminate a cleanroom. Sometimes, air showers are combined with static removal equipment or HEPA filters to make the them more effective in the removal of hair and other contaminants.


An air lock is a room attached to a cleanroom that acts as a buffer zone between the cleanroom and outside space. Air locks have interlocking doors that keep the cleanroom pressurized and particle free during the transfer of objects or personnel and are commonly used for gowning.


The space between an inner and outer wall or between the cleanroom ceiling, and roof deck. Air is supplied into the ceiling plenum and then flows through a HEPA or ULPA filter into the cleanroom and is returned through the double wall plenum back to the filters to be recirculated.


All Angstrom Technology cleanrooms are backward compatible, meaning they can be repaired or expanded with new materials that match the aesthetics and performance of the original. No purchase is ever outdated or wasted because you can improve, expand, improve cleanliness, increase classification, and upgrade discrete zones at any time.

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