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Renovating Or Building A Cleanroom

  • 2024-01-03
  • View 12

Whether you’re renovating or building a cleanroom, there are numerous factors that come into play. Without the right planning and preparation, your cleanroom build can be a headache at best and a disaster at worst.  The purpose of your cleanroom and your unique facility are individual to you, so do your homework. Here is a quick list of do’s and do not’s.

Renovating or Building a Cleanroom? What to do and What to Avoid

Renovating Or Building A Cleanroom You Should Definitely

Know the purpose and functions of the space. Clearly establish this by using a recognized standard like ISO 14644 You want to set the class of cleanliness and criteria like humidity setpoints and temperature.

Have clearly identified requirements for maintaining your operations during construction.

Create requirements for vibration performance.

Make sure you have adequate space for mechanical systems by checking vertical clearance. Also check the vertical clearance for moving equipment – do you need to use elevators?

Check that there is enough vertical shaft space from the cleanroom to the roof for your exhaust ducts. Also make sure they’re accessible.

Find out what kind of hazardous materials will be used, and make sure your building can accommodate a hazardous occupancy if need be.

Establish what utilities, capacities, and quality are required.

Understand that your power requirements will change and confirm your source is sufficient for growth.

Budget with a contingency for unexpected conditions and atypical line items like cleanroom certification and temporary setups during construction.

Renovating Or Building A Cleanroom What Not To Do

If possible, don’t locate the cleanroom on an exterior wall.

Cleanrooms are ideally located where a dedicated mechanical room is directly above it; don’t put one beneath wet laboratories.

Don’t assume that all users have completely considered their requirements.

Don’t assume the design team has experience with cleanroom design; you need to verify.

Don’t expect any contractor without experience building cleanrooms to be able to complete this work.

Don’t assume your contractor understands what “building clean” means. Establish in writing how to start the project correctly, how to get the space clean, and how to keep it clean.

You do not want air intakes above a loading dock or service yard.

You do not want exhausts at grade level or in building sidewalls.

Don’t underestimate the amount of space required for support equipment.

As you read these tips, surely it is clear what kinds of catastrophe can occur if you miss a step. You don’t want to lose any time or money fixing what could have been avoided to begin with.

If you are considering a modular cleanroom, choose an expert with sufficient experience and a strong reputation. Kwang Cleanroom has years of expertise in cleanroom design, manufacturing, installation, and validation.

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